MangAI notice about installing ImageMagick v7

May 20th, 2016 1 comment

Attention MangAI users:
When you update to ImageMagick version 7, make sure to tick the box “Install legacy utlities (e.g. convert)” during installation. IM v7 changed the way its executables are organized, and without these legacy utilities, MangAI will give you an error about not being able to find ImageMagick.

If I get healthy enough to work on MangAI again, I can update the program to use the new IM executables structure.

Categories: MangAI, Projects

Utricular Dysfunction

November 17th, 2015 No comments

A new article is up describing my recent trip to the doctor and the suspected diagnosis of my bizarre balance disorder: Possible Diagnosis: Utricular Dysfunction

I will also update the Earth Axis Syndrome article to include my current health status. This section will be updated regularly.

Health update

October 4th, 2015 3 comments

Hi everyone! Long time no post.

As some of you already know, I’ve been very sick for months now. For reference, check out the Earth Axis Syndrome article. While I’ve been dealing with this disability for many years, something triggered the symptoms to get worse earlier this year. As such, I have not been able to program for a while now or engage in many other enjoyable activities like playing video games. Just walking can be difficult and there are times I’m too sick to sleep at night.

I am visiting a neuro-otologist in October who suspects I may have utricular dysfunction. I really hope to find some answers and help to get me healthy again.

Please continue to email me with software or medical questions. I apologize in advance that I will not be able to reply in a timely manner. Thank you for your patience.

I will post again with the results of my doctor visit.

MangAI v1.15 released

March 18th, 2015 No comments

New to version 1.15:
-AI improvements to MPM and MSM interpretation
Improved detection of string chapters (chapters with names instead of numbers, such as “Omake”).
Improved detection of special pages within string and special chapters.
Better ordering of string and special chapters.
Added automatic conflict resolution of string chapters.
Find pages that don’t have a number in the filename but should be considered page #1.
Better handling of preceding chapter sort. This is used in rare instances to help sort pages by page number regardless of chapter numbering.
Various logic tweaks.
-Various fixes and improvements
No longer allows output_folder to be the parent (one folder up) of source in order to prevent potential conflicts.
Added a few non-English chapter delimiters: chapitre, capĂ­tulo, capitulo.

I focused on the AI of handling special and string chapters. These are tough to deal with and occur more frequently than you might expect. A lot of work went into this which is why the update took so long.

The addition of non-English chapter delimiters made a huge difference when I was debugging a problem someone sent me. In that particular case, MangAI was coming back with “chapitre” as a string chapter multiple times. All MangAI needed to know is that “chapitre” means “chapter” and it started working correctly. I hope in the next update to allow the user to specify their own volume, chapter, and page delimiters to better support the languages used in their filenames. Or you can email me which terms I should add to the code.

One feature I didn’t get to finish was intelligent ePub table-of-contents. MangAI currently only uses separate folder names to determine bookmarks in a toc. It would be much better to leverage the data collected during MPM and MSM analysis to set the best bookmarks possible. The more I worked on this though, the more I realized how difficult this is going to be. I unfortunately have to put this requested feature on hold for the time being.

Download the latest version from the MangAI project page.

Categories: MangAI, Projects

Happy 2015!

January 3rd, 2015 No comments

I hope you all enjoyed your winter holidays.

MangAI update is still in progress. I know it’s been a long time. Using the data from MPM/MSM analysis to create more intelligent epub table-of-contents is taking longer than expected. I’m having to change around the way epubs are created. Fortunately the really hard AI work for this update is already done.

Categories: General, MangAI, Projects