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MangAI issue with Java 10

Greetings everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted in some time.

The current state of my health is quite bad. It has been bad all of 2018, though I don’t know what triggered it to get worse. There are many days I do not leave the house; if I do, it’s just a quick car ride around the neighborhood or perhaps a little walk inside of a local store. I still do not have a diagnosis or even an idea of who may know what is wrong with me. Please continue to contact me with any health related questions or ideas. If I don’t respond in a timely manner, please send your email again.

It was brought to my attention recently that MangAI is having issues with Java 10. You may have received an error message about there being something wrong with your license file. Let me assure you your license file is fine and you are doing everything correctly. This is a problem with MangAI trying to use a cryptography library that is no longer included in Java 10. I will work on releasing a fix. For now, you can workaround this error by removing Java 10 and reinstalling Java 8. Please forgive me in advance if my health causes me to take a little while to get the update out.

Categories: General, MangAI, Projects
  1. Andrew Mantel
    September 7th, 2018 at 11:23 | #1

    Fixing the Java compatibility problem was easy as expected. I haven’t programmed in so long though that many of my development tools are out of date. I’m spending more time updating my workspace than actually programming.

    If all goes well, I expect a release in a few days. After the update, MangAI will no longer work with Java versions prior to 8, so prepare to update Java as well. I will include instructions in the readme.

