
Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Happy 2015!

January 3rd, 2015 No comments

I hope you all enjoyed your winter holidays.

MangAI update is still in progress. I know it’s been a long time. Using the data from MPM/MSM analysis to create more intelligent epub table-of-contents is taking longer than expected. I’m having to change around the way epubs are created. Fortunately the really hard AI work for this update is already done.

Categories: General, MangAI, Projects

Move completed

October 1st, 2014 No comments

I’ve completed the transfer to a new server. The move was kinda tricky so there may be some bugs. Please contact me if you encounter any problems.

Categories: General

Changing servers

September 30th, 2014 No comments

This site will be moving to another server in the next week or so. There may be some downtime during the transition. Sorry in advance for any inconvenience.

Please note that MangAI full license users will not be affected by downtime since full licenses only require activation once per program version. MangAI trial licenses, on the other hand, will not work during downtime as they require constant authentication with the licensing server.

Categories: General, MangAI, Projects

Back to programming

September 23rd, 2014 No comments

It’s been quiet the past few months since I was busy with a side project.

Currently at work on MangAI MSM improvements. I’m interested in improving MSM string chapter detection. For reference, string chapters don’t use the typical chapter numbering scheme, and instead will be something like chapter “z”. In many cases, this is just another way some scanlators specify omake/extra chapters.

My health has been worse the past few weeks so programming is progressing very slowly. Please email me if you have any feature requests or bugs to report.

Categories: General, MangAI, Projects

Ramblings #9: worth a thousand words

April 15th, 2014 3 comments

I was very fortunate to acquire my first DSLR camera the other day. I’ve been getting more into photography (specifically, anime figure photography) but didn’t expect to get a DSLR anytime soon thanks to their high price. I heard that Target was having a camera clearance. After looking around, a store not too far from me luckily had one Nikon D3100 left. The clerk didn’t even know it was there or that it was on clearance. Very cool camera! Looking forward to playing with it more.

I am currently working on a MangAI update. At first I thought it was going to be only AI improvements, but there are a few other things that need looking into as well. Pdf as input, for example, wasn’t working right with newer versions of ImageMagick. It seems the fix is to install Ghostscript. I’ll be hard at work on this update, so now is a good time to contact me if you have any problems or suggestions.

Categories: General, MangAI, Projects